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sábado, 21 de janeiro de 2012

Instructions - Pose Packs installation

What is pose player?
Pose player is a device created for people who like to take sims 3 ingame screenshots. People can use those screenshots to create stories or just for fun. Once you install it in your game, you can buy pose player from the buy mode, inside the décor section.
Can I create my own poses?
Of course you can, it might be hard at first because you need to know the basic concepts like rigs and meshes, etc. But it gets easier once you manage to do it right. Read this tutorial to start.

Before downloading pose packs make sure you have:

How to use your poses ingame
Without a Pose List:
- Place the ".packages" files inside your Packages Folder (Before running the game);
- Buy pose player from the decor section;
- Have the "moveobjects" cheat on, to move your sims around;
- Click on the pose player and choose the "Pose by name" option;
- Write the name of the pose (the name list is inside the download) ex: a_sereia
- Make sure you save your new pose by clicking on the pose player again and selecting "My List" and then "Add current pose to My List"

With a pose List:

- Place the ".packages" files inside your Packages Folder (Before running the game);
- Buy pose player from the decor section;
- Have the "moveobjects" cheat on, to move your sims around;
- Click on the pose player and choose the "Select a Pose" option, and select your pose :-)

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