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quarta-feira, 1 de abril de 2015

Jeans Jacket 4 Child (accessory)

Hey simmers! A few days ago I saw this really nice pic* and I knew I had to convert it to my lovely sims 3 children ^_^ Don´t forget to read the notes and have fun! (click on the pictures to see them larger) ºo0Notesºo0 - Child only - Male/ Female - No fat morph (I tried...) - Recolorable - Accessory, bracelet Download Jeans Jacket 4 Child  by JuBa_0oº (and follow my tumblr for my latest creations and sims picture...

segunda-feira, 23 de março de 2015

Norwegian Dress (4 Adults and Children!)

Hey guysssss! This is something I felt making ever since I created my Yuzuki hair (the one with braids from the pictures above) so a few days ago I decided "ok I really have do it now" because I also want to release Yuzuki hair for like, an year or so. So this is my excuse to put it all uploaded for you simmers :-) Today I´ll just leave with these norwegian dresses, but dont worry, the hair´s coming soon too! Have fun! (click on the pictures to...

quarta-feira, 18 de março de 2015

Tera Mini Dress

Hey simmers! Again I bring an inspired by Tera item, this time only available for female children  It´s fully recolorable and has all morphs. Hope you like it! :-) (click on the pictures to see them fullscale) Download Tera Mini Dress by JuBa_0...

quinta-feira, 5 de março de 2015

Jester Wizard Hat

Heyyyy peeeopleeeeee, what´s up? Here - have a cute hat ^_^ I could not decide between Witch Hat, Harley Quinn Hat, Joker Hat so yhea, I just name it Jester Wizard Hat. That way you simmers can google both words and still find it somewhere. Brand new mesh created by JuBa_0oº (me), so if you wish to recolor or modify: ASK FIRST. Thank you :-) º Only for females; º Child, teen, young adult, adult and elder; º Accessory - earrings; º Two masks (click...

sábado, 7 de fevereiro de 2015

London Trend Collection

Hey guys whats up? I really dont feel like writing a lot today :-P so I´ll get to the point: LONDON TREND FASHION is a collection I made some time ago but I was waiting for some good shots to release it (I wanted a dark misterious kind of dirty alley for the shot). It took me a whole month lol anyway, please read the notes about each content and if you´d like to recolor or to modify any of the meshes or textures please ask me first (I´ll probably...

sábado, 24 de janeiro de 2015

Oyster Show - Doll & Sculptures

I´m finally done with the oysters! (so far...) I went crazy when Lillaarith let me use these meshes, I just couldn´t resist THEY ARE SO FRICKIN´ ADORABLE! *ahem* Anyway, you have 4 sculptures all with different poses and three different textures (one of them is fully recolorable, all available as "plants" in the decor section of Buy Mode)  Aaand: You have a cute little doll for your babiezzz! (^_^) (also with three textures, one fully...

domingo, 18 de janeiro de 2015

Male Mermaid Tail 4 Toddler/Child

Hey guys, A few weeks ago I uploaded my mermaid tail for toddlers and children in Mod The Sims (I thought it was worth it) and there was this guy who asked me for the male version of it, so I decided to modify mesh and make it more simple and less curvy as the original adult male version: (click on the pictures to see them in high quality and full size) This new tail is exclusively for male children and toddlers but it has exactly...

domingo, 4 de janeiro de 2015

Mermaid Tail for Infants

Hey guys, if you have been checking my tumblr then you know Ive been working on something I thought EA missed: mermaid tails for infants.So yhea, its finally done and ready to be downloaded by hundreds of fantasy addicteds like myself :-)Please read the notes > before < download the content and have fun! (click on the pictures to see them in full size and high quality) 0o NOTES o0 -You have 2 files inside each download: you have...

terça-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2014

Kenji Alucky Accessory Tattoos

Hey guys, made you one more gift ^_^ a few days ago I accidentally found some tattoos of this Japanese guy named Kenji Alucky - and I immediately fell in love with his work - I just had to convert some of that amazing ink to our sims: (click on the pictures to see them in full size) ºNOTESº Available for toddler - elder (If you dont think this is "appropriate" for toddlers/children, please spare me the lecture, this is a free...

terça-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2014

Grown Kids Pose Pack

HO h0 Ho!! Christmas is really really near and finally I´m going to release my official gift to you: 20 poses specially designed for children ^_^ This pose pack is not like the ones you usually find around for children, I wanted my models to pretend they were grown-ups even though they were actually between 5-8 years old. I wanted poses that were not so natural and cute and funny. I wanted something serious that would make me think "haha look at...