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sexta-feira, 13 de julho de 2012

Cats Pose Pack

Here I am with another pose pack guys,
I´ve been reading Wolfgang and Heike Hohlbein´s book ANDERS, and I just fell in love with Katt, she´s so sweet and tough and brave (and stubborn!) and I just wanted to do something simish with her! So I´ve been working on an animal skin (you can check on it above in the slide) and I just couldn´t find the right poses for her, so that´s why I created this new pack for you (well it was basically for me, but I like to share ^_^).
I´m actually pretty proud of it, I wanted something animal like, but sweet and delicate at the same time, and I think I got it all in it! xD
Hope you find it as useful as I did! Feel free to leave a feedback about it  :-)
(hopefully availabe at MTS in a couple of days)

Cats Pose Pack

Download Cats Pose Pack by JuBa_0oº

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