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segunda-feira, 23 de março de 2015

Norwegian Dress (4 Adults and Children!)

Hey guysssss! This is something I felt making ever since I created my Yuzuki hair (the one with braids from the pictures above) so a few days ago I decided "ok I really have do it now" because I also want to release Yuzuki hair for like, an year or so. So this is my excuse to put it all uploaded for you simmers :-) Today I´ll just leave with these norwegian dresses, but dont worry, the hair´s coming soon too! Have fun! (click on the pictures to...

quarta-feira, 18 de março de 2015

Tera Mini Dress

Hey simmers! Again I bring an inspired by Tera item, this time only available for female children  It´s fully recolorable and has all morphs. Hope you like it! :-) (click on the pictures to see them fullscale) Download Tera Mini Dress by JuBa_0...

quinta-feira, 5 de março de 2015

Jester Wizard Hat

Heyyyy peeeopleeeeee, what´s up? Here - have a cute hat ^_^ I could not decide between Witch Hat, Harley Quinn Hat, Joker Hat so yhea, I just name it Jester Wizard Hat. That way you simmers can google both words and still find it somewhere. Brand new mesh created by JuBa_0oº (me), so if you wish to recolor or modify: ASK FIRST. Thank you :-) º Only for females; º Child, teen, young adult, adult and elder; º Accessory - earrings; º Two masks (click...