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sábado, 26 de outubro de 2013

I Heart Grunge - Child Edition

Hey guys, what´s up?
Sorry for the lack of updates, school has been keeping me busy (as always).
Anyway here´s something to cheer you up!
"I Heart Grunge" - my latest clothing line made specially for children.
By downloading this content you agree to respect my policy, and that includes:
º No re-uploading (link to this website or my Tumblr);
º No claiming as your own;
º No sharing this content in paysites of any kind;
º You may recolor my meshes and use my textures if you give me credit.

Have fun raising fashionable psychopath children! ^_^

And follow me on Tumblr for more updates ;)

49 comentários:

  1. OMG they are so awesome, please convert for adult too!!

  2. Este comentário foi removido por um gestor do blogue.

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  4. Thank you anon and JS for the comments, yhea I was thinking about convert the grandma´s pullover for adults, I just need to find some free time to do it :-)

    And Malika I already posted a comment in my blog explainning that situation, but I´ll also put it in here for people to know:

    "Ok, so I have been having some complains about the fact that in my last content I named the hat as “Nigga Bonnet”. Let me clarify this because I´m being misunderstood by a lot of simmers:

    Nigga in my language (portuguese) is a type of style, just like punk, vintage, classy, girly etc. Its someone who likes to wear XL t-shirts, adidas sneakers, big headed bonnets and pants below belt. So please understand that I meant no DISRESPECT to ANYONE. In my culture its a regular word so I see no harm in it because it means no harm! You may message me if you have any other question about it, I will gladly erase any doubt. I will not answer over insults and sim hate though as it means nothing to me."

  5. My God. These are amazing my darling <3
    You're AWESOME! *w*

  6. aparently the download isn't available anymore?!

  7. Very cool, fantastic! Absolutely original :)

  8. These are Amazing...Thank You!

    Do you mind if I ask where you got the Hair in the first pic...I've been looking for one like for ages

  9. Thank you Pet´ka and Moonskin93 for the comments :-D and thanks Anon too! The hair is from Modish Kitten ,you also have other versions of it from Kittyklan and Aikea Guinea, just google it :-)

  10. This outfit is so cute on kids! Nice work!

    Where's the curly hair from, the one in the second pic? It looks so cute. Please don't tell me it's from the store. :(

  11. Hey anon, thank you so much :-) the hair is number 885 from Peggy, I don´t remember if its free or if it needs a donation, but you can try google a caked version of it. Message me if you need any help finding it.

  12. Holy mother of all CC D:
    I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥

  13. Awesome!!♥♥♥ WCIF bow?:)

  14. how do I get this things into my game? =/

  15. Thank you for all your creations Juba!! <3

  16. To Anon:
    Thanks anon, hmm...what bow? xD

    To Natalia:
    You have to download them first Natalia, them unzip them, you´ll see a note called "Read Me" or "Important", well, read it xD it explains how to put these into your mods folder.

    To xkojima:
    Aw thank youuuu xkojima! ^_^

  17. Those outfits are AMAZING! Especially the kids schoolform (been searching for schoolforms for kids and teens for my active school (zerbu's careers mod) but there's mostly only for YA/A lol..)
    but i have one question in the pic there are 2 slightly different versions of schoolforms and we get only the simple one without bowtie and plaid skirt (which are sooo cute >_<) is that a bug or something? the pic for the clothing shows this version but on child only the simple version's still very awesome and the jacket works this way better on boys but I just really love the version with bowtie! Is there a way to get it if it's not a bug? Thank you for your work! Sorry for bothering!

  18. umm well none of your downloads are working for me its saying that it doesnt exist or something i was kinda sad since these are so cute anyways i hope you can fix it

  19. Such a great work with those cute clothes but download isn't working. Pls fix it I want them so much.

  20. Clothes are just cute and not obses
    sive for lovers of classic style.
