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terça-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2014

Kenji Alucky Accessory Tattoos

Hey guys, made you one more gift ^_^ a few days ago I accidentally found some tattoos of this Japanese guy named Kenji Alucky - and I immediately fell in love with his work - I just had to convert some of that amazing ink to our sims: (click on the pictures to see them in full size) ºNOTESº Available for toddler - elder (If you dont think this is "appropriate" for toddlers/children, please spare me the lecture, this is a free...

terça-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2014

Grown Kids Pose Pack

HO h0 Ho!! Christmas is really really near and finally I´m going to release my official gift to you: 20 poses specially designed for children ^_^ This pose pack is not like the ones you usually find around for children, I wanted my models to pretend they were grown-ups even though they were actually between 5-8 years old. I wanted poses that were not so natural and cute and funny. I wanted something serious that would make me think "haha look at...

sexta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2014

Clothing 4 Kids

Hey guys, christmas is almost here and I keep getting new tumblr followers everyday :D thanks* So as a thanking gift for my wonderful 1900 followers, I´m going to release something I´ve been working on for some time... (this is not my xmas gift though, that will be next post ;) Don´t forget to read the notes before downloading it and happy simming (To see the pictures in full size and high quality, click on them)  This clothing line contains: Sporty...