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domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014

Spider Call Accessory

Hey again simmers, i hope everything is alright in that side of the screen :)  > Spider Call <  This is the present I made for you this time, its something I felt like having in my game because spiders are such an adorable tiny little thing to have in my game - unless they´re real. Don´t forget to check the notes! (click on the pictures to make them bigger) This is actually a small collection of three: a necklace,...

segunda-feira, 18 de agosto de 2014

Digital Face Accessory

Long time no see guys, im still active though, Im running a check on the latest comments so if you´re waiting for a response from me, check your reply below it :) I have seen some pictures about this really great game I have been expecting - Dreamfall Chapters: The Loungest Jorney - and I noticed this weird digital thing on someone´s face:  And basically, this is where the idea came from (all credit to it). This is a brand new mod, meaning...