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terça-feira, 30 de julho de 2013

Cross Sunglasses - Men Edition

Really quick post: I just remembered I needed to get these converted, so here it is :-) Please do not modify the mesh, claim as your own or re-upload this - link back to me click on the image to make it larger Download Cross Sunglasses Men Edition and follow me on tumblr for more Mona Pizza ;)   JuBa_0...

quinta-feira, 25 de julho de 2013

Sim: No Face from Spirited Away

Studios Ghibli fans willl love this ^_^ I was playing with masks (which seems to be my thing lately) and something just pop into my head like a whisper saying "No faceeee...".so I decided to follow that voice and here you have. I did not save him as a sim.package because honestly making sims is such a pain for me, I just don´t do it more often because all the cc gathering just makes me scream "kill me now please".Anyway let´s take a look at the...

terça-feira, 23 de julho de 2013


Demon: I´ll eat you alive... Kagura: Ganpai! xD Mickey: Donald, are you nuts? What's going on here? Barbie: Wanna play with me? These are the charaters involved in my latest download - Who?Masks  I just thought I needed some creepy masks in my game. (More coming by the way) You know the rules, no stealing, no re-uploading, no claiming as your own, et cetera et cetera. Have fun :-)  (click on the pictures to make them larger) Download  Who?Maks  by...

sexta-feira, 5 de julho de 2013

Sim: Effy Stonem from The Skins

Two days ago innocent-madness asked me "Can you make effy stonem from the skins uk, a sim? :3" And I was like: that´s actually a pretty good idea! (But then I never created a human based sim before...not sure if this will work out) Anyway I decided to take a chance and make my own version of Effy. I didn´t loose a lot of time picking up her outfits or her traits cause I wanted to focus on her physical apperance, which turned...

quinta-feira, 4 de julho de 2013

Punk Jacket

Hola Ola Hi Hallo Hei  Do nothing never felt so good haha  And just ´cause I feel like it, here you have a new present:  ^ Click on the pictures to make them larger and please read carefully the info image ^ Big thanks to Jinglestark and Mkitten for allowing me to use their stuff <3 Have fun :-) Download Punk Jacket by JuBa_0oº...