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sábado, 26 de outubro de 2013

I Heart Grunge - Child Edition

Hey guys, what´s up? Sorry for the lack of updates, school has been keeping me busy (as always). Anyway here´s something to cheer you up! "I Heart Grunge" - my latest clothing line made specially for children. By downloading this content you agree to respect my policy, and that includes: º No re-uploading (link to this website or my Tumblr); º No claiming as your own; º No sharing this content in paysites of any kind; º You may recolor my meshes...

segunda-feira, 7 de outubro de 2013

Cockroach Mouth Accessory

Hey people of the world, Here´s one more present for you - a cockroach - because they are crispy and crunchy and spicy. I once saw something like this for second life and I was like someone need to do this for sims because it is amazing. And here it is. Have fun and respect my policy guys. (click on the pictures to make them larger) ººº Info About The Content ººº - Female/ Male - Teen/ Y. Adult/ Adult/ Elder - Accessory >...

domingo, 29 de setembro de 2013

"All About Swag" - Pose Pack and Accessory

ººº I feel like we are going to enter some dark ages named Miley... Anyway here´s a little something to let your sims get in the spirit ;-)  Have fun and respect my policy.  ººº (click on the pictures to make them larger) ººº Info About The Content ººº >>> Pose Pack (2 poses, pose list available) >>> Money Accessory: - Female/ Male - Teen/ Y. Adult/ Adult/ Elder - Accessory > bracelet - Recolorable ...

quarta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2013

Spiked Flip Flop

Ola!!! Here´s another thing I´ve been working on lately J  Spiked Flip Flop > for men and woman 0oº Download ºo0 (click on the pictures to make them larger) 0o Have fun and don´t forget to read the notes and respect my policy o0 >>> Notes about the content <<< - Young Adult/ Adult - Male/ Female - Shoes (all morphs included) - Mesh by JuBa_0oº (message me if you wish to use i...

sábado, 21 de setembro de 2013

Rollerskating Team Pose Pack and Rollerskates

hey guys! Guess what? Im not homeless anymore! lol I finally found a house in Istanbul for me and my friends while we are here in erasmus, it wasn´t easy let me tell you... Anyway here´s another gift for you to celebrate, its a small pose pack but I think you still dont have a lot of rollerskating stuff around the community, so if you like to have your sims rolleskating all the time, here you have. Don´t forget to actually download the...

quarta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2013

Huge Eye > accessory

Hey guys, I came to left you another present! :-D In a week I´ll be going to Turkey to study for a couple of months and I won´t have much time to finish my stuff and upload new content, so I´ll stay tuned specially on tumblr but expect few updates :-( And thanks for following <3 ºo0 Info about the content 0oº º Female/ Male º Toddler/ Child/ Teen/ Y. Adult/ Adult/ Elder (you will need AWT hat control slider to adjust the content) º...

quinta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2013

Fairy Kei Collection

A few days ago aphroditeisimmoral sent me a message asking me to make some accessories from the fairy kei style, I usually don´t take requests because I have a lot of my own to finish, but since I found the idea quite interesting I accepted and here I am with this small collection ready for you to use :-) Please read the info before downloading and happy simming <3 click on the images to see closely The Eye - Women - Teen/...

quinta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2013

Harajuku Style Collection

It´s finally here guys, my Harajuku Style Collection. I had a few items I wanted to release before this collection, but I´ve been holding it for so long and now that it´s finally finished I just thought what the hell, let me just get rid of this lool So you now the rules: no stealing, no claiming as your own, no re-uploading (link back to me) and you may use my meshes but let me know about it and please give me credit.  Not all of these meshes...

segunda-feira, 12 de agosto de 2013

Project Faun

Hey guys, This is a project I´ve been working really hard for a couple of weeks now and I found all sorts of troubles, some of them I was able to deal with by myself, others I asked for help because I was completely lost, so big thanks to the Mod The Sims community because as always, they are so helpful, so wise, and they have the best quality content, so be sure to check the link. So this is the Project Faun I´ve been...

segunda-feira, 5 de agosto de 2013

Leaf > Head and Mouth Accessories

So I just realized I hit 666 followers on my tumblr (WHAAAAT?) so last night I made you guys a little gift: click on the pictures to make them larger These are two different accessories so you can have both in game, you just can´t wear them at the same time cause they´re both tagged as bracelets They are available for teen/ young adult/ adult/ elder Female/Male Fully recolorable And they´re compatible with AWT´s...

terça-feira, 30 de julho de 2013

Cross Sunglasses - Men Edition

Really quick post: I just remembered I needed to get these converted, so here it is :-) Please do not modify the mesh, claim as your own or re-upload this - link back to me click on the image to make it larger Download Cross Sunglasses Men Edition and follow me on tumblr for more Mona Pizza ;)   JuBa_0...

quinta-feira, 25 de julho de 2013

Sim: No Face from Spirited Away

Studios Ghibli fans willl love this ^_^ I was playing with masks (which seems to be my thing lately) and something just pop into my head like a whisper saying "No faceeee...".so I decided to follow that voice and here you have. I did not save him as a sim.package because honestly making sims is such a pain for me, I just don´t do it more often because all the cc gathering just makes me scream "kill me now please".Anyway let´s take a look at the...

terça-feira, 23 de julho de 2013


Demon: I´ll eat you alive... Kagura: Ganpai! xD Mickey: Donald, are you nuts? What's going on here? Barbie: Wanna play with me? These are the charaters involved in my latest download - Who?Masks  I just thought I needed some creepy masks in my game. (More coming by the way) You know the rules, no stealing, no re-uploading, no claiming as your own, et cetera et cetera. Have fun :-)  (click on the pictures to make them larger) Download  Who?Maks  by...