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domingo, 30 de setembro de 2012

Scary Tales Pose Pack

Wow it looks like it´s been ages since my last update...I´m so sorry guys but with school going on I just don´t have time for new mods :-( This next pose pack is actually a tumblr followers gift (and it´s 50 followers late lol). I was inspired by some of the Grimm tales and other funny stories I´ve been reading the whole summer, so that´s it! Please read the NOTES (they´re really important for this pack) and I hope you like it :-) ºNOTESº You...

sexta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2012

Sim: Ruby from The Path

Ruby           "Before her, we had no idea what we were making. Ruby helped us figure all of it out. What’s more, she’s the girl who, for me, totally epitomized what I felt about my time growing up. What happens to her, could have happened to me. She’s like a friend I never had but still remember… or a long lost sister of my dreams…. Anyway, all that is to say, she’s been through a lot during the long process...

quinta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2012

Ruby Leg Braces

I´ll soon release my Ruby sim (this week for sure), so I thought you would need this :-) Download Ruby Leg Braces by JuBa_0oº ...