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terça-feira, 26 de junho de 2012

Granma´s house - photoshoot

The girls decided to visit their granma....(testing my first skin) :-) ººº These and more in my gallery ...

sábado, 16 de junho de 2012

Bee & Ladybug face maks

Again I felt connected with the nature and I decided to share with you my new babies: bee and ladybug face masks. Available at MTS as well. Ladybug face mask Info: It has two recolorable channels It´s available to women, young adult-adult (I WILL UPDATE!) You can use it with any type of body bee face mask Info: It has three recolorable channels It´s available to women, young adult-adult (I WILL UPDATE!) You can use it with any type of...

sexta-feira, 15 de junho de 2012

Lovable Game Pose Pack

Hey guys, here you have my latest pose pack, hope you like it :-) available at MTS as well. Lovable Game Pose Pack ºNOTESºYou can use these poses with teens, young adults, adults, and elders. (and children if you want them to be disfigured)You can use these poses for women or/and men (all of them) It has a pose list (like all my other uploads) so all you need for this to work is the game and pose playerPress...

quarta-feira, 6 de junho de 2012

Sim: Miwako from Paradise Kiss

Let me introduce you to Miwako Sakurada from Paradise Kiss: Miwako once appears wearing a really charming dress from her sister´s brand, Happy Berry, and she tells us is studying to become a designer (just like Mikako Sakurada, her sister). She is very sweet and kind, and tends to act in a rather childlike manner. Miwako style is very alternative, inicially we see her dressed very lolita like, but then we learn that she actually wears...